Sunagakure > Sunagakure

Desert Lands

(1/11) > >>

Zero Keiichi:
( surrounding the village )

Myuki Minatashi:
Myuki appeared in the desert, waiting for his Sensei to show up so they can begin training.

Tsuki came into view, a dust cloud and the sound of lightening crackling around her body. She came to a sliding stop standing right before her student. She grinned. "Sup, yu-chan?"

Myuki Minatashi:
Myuki smiled when he saw Tsuki. "Hey, Tsuki-Sensei. How are you?"

"I'm fine and you? Sorry, I haven't been around too much. Been doing a lot of research. Hoping that it will help you and the other's improve. Have the three of you been training, decided on a team formation yet?"


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