Kumogakure > Kumogakure

ThunderCloud(Closed: Nero, Chujitsuna, Daemon)

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Chūjitsuna hito:
(The clouds top notch prison)

nero appeared wearing his akatsuki jacket

Chūjitsuna hito:
Chujitsuna(wearing Akatsuki jacket, and  hat.) appears next to Nero.
" Daomon is on the third floor. That floor is well protected."
 Two guards watch the surrounding  carefully for anything suspicious.
Chujitsuna weave the spirit clone jutsu. The clone appears behind them silently, and places his hands on both the guards draining all of there chakra.Knocking them out cold.
The clone signal Nero, and Chujtisuna, and disappears.
Chujtisuna looks at Nero
"Shall we begin ?"

nero nodded and took off in a light jog

Chūjitsuna hito:
Chujitsuna quickly followed behind Nero. They both entered  the prison. Guards started  to surround them. There were ten in total. Chujitsuna flickered behind two guards draining there chakra before the others even blinked. Chujitsuna was then confronted by three guards. Chujitsuna
round house kicked two of the guards with force so powerful it broke one of the guards neck on contact, and knocking the other out cold. The last guard facing Chujitsuna yelled out a battle cry charging toward him. In a attempt to uppercut Chujitsuna. Chujituna quickly grabbed the guard arm, and broke it. In shock the guard fell on his knees. Chujitsuna took this opportunity to  break the guard neck. Chujitsuna brought his attention to the five remaining guards surrounding Nero.


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